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Tliet żgħażagħ jitfgħu s-sigrieti tagħhom online, moħħhom mistrieħ li ħadd qatt ma' jista' isir jaf bihom. Sakemm ... kulħadd isir jafhom. F'dinja fejn il-ħin kollu nistennew l-update li jmiss (dik il-biÄ‹Ä‹a informazzjoni Ä¡dida magħżula għalina mill-algorithms) – aħna u l-mod ta' kif inÄ¡ibu ruħna, kemm huwa ffurmat minn din l-informazzjoni? U l-algorithms interni tagħna kemm jaffettwaw r-reazzjonijiet tagħna għall-informazzjoni ta' madwarna? Il-perÄ‹ezzjonijiet tagħna tad-dinja ta' madwarna ... huma verament tagħna?

Din hija storja dwar żgħażagħ li jgħixu f'dinja mgħaÄ¡Ä¡la, ibbumbardjati b'informazzjoni li bilfors iridu jirreaÄ¡ixxulha ... Minkejja hijiex verità jew le.

Three young people share secrets online that they think no one will ever know about. Until, that is … everyone does. In a world where we are constantly waiting for the next update (that is, the next piece of data chosen for us by algorithms) - how does information shape the way we behave and how do our own internal algorithms shape the way we react to information around us? Are our perceptions of the world around us truly our own? 


This is a story about young people living in a fast-paced world, bombarded by information that they are pressured to react to … whether it is true or not.

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